Bkk Internship

July 9, 2024 ยท 2 minutes read

I had a 5-month long internship at a medium-sized, double-A game dev company in Bangkok, where I ended up working primarily on the mobile development.
Overall, the experience was great, and I very much enjoyed my time in Bangkok, even though mobile game development is not something I’ve done too much of.

I spent the first week getting familiar with the codebase, project plan and the other devs on my team.
I’d say the process ended up being very smooth, as I was already pushing code by the next week.

For the project, I worked closely with the game designer to develop a minigame that would be included in the application. Me and another intern discussed about the codebase architecture to see what code we can reuse and to avoid writing duplicate code. As both of us were going to be using similar functionalities.

After being done with the minigame project, I started working on fixing bugs reported by the QA team.
I was also migrating some projects to newer versions of Unity, which required me to fix multiple deprecated scripts and replace packages that were no longer maintained. One of these was video-player related. Thankfully, Unity had already implemented most of these features, so I could replace this package within a few days by writing minimal amount of code for it.

In the future, I might write a blog post about my current endeavor in backend development.
I am currently ranked 47th out of 11,000+ on the Boot.dev leaderboard, which is a website focused on backend development.

Below some images from my condo.

Bedroom window view in Bangkok Full moon in Bangkok

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